2 Headed Shark Attack2 Headed Shark Attack
We open to some dudebros and ladydudebros waterskiing Whilst the lady dudebros do the skiing, the dudebros are yelling and taking some photos. Suddenly… a massive 2-headed Shark eats both
We open to some dudebros and ladydudebros waterskiing Whilst the lady dudebros do the skiing, the dudebros are yelling and taking some photos. Suddenly… a massive 2-headed Shark eats both
On March 20th the kids an I watched this movie and capped screens to review it on Facebook.. and that’s going to end up as a lost thread so I’m
On Prime it mentions this was made in 2021 but that’s false, the movie was made in 2012. Ok we start our pre-credits adventure with Ben from the first movie..
It’s that time again.. Llamageddon! The budget for this movie was nearly nothing so it may be extra awful. If you want to watch this it’s available on Prime. we
This was the second movie we did after Killer Sofa which is basically gone now thanks to some comment removal on Facebook. This is available on Prime, if you want